[gradsusr] performing operations on different grids

Jeffrey Duda jdduda at iastate.edu
Wed Jul 13 23:07:53 EDT 2011

No, they're truly different in the sense that probably none of the levels
perfectly match up.  What algorithms do you know of?


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Jeffrey Duda <jdduda at iastate.edu> wrote:
>> I have two 2D model grids that have the same horizontal grid spacing and
>> the same domain width (so the X-coordinate is the same between the two) and
>> the same domain height, but different numbers of levels in the vertical.  I
>> wish to compare the values of some variables such as vertical motion between
>> the two model grids.  How do I do that?
> Are the levels really different, or one file is a subset of the other? Say,
> one has fewer mandatory levels. If the latter, use lats4d or write your own
> simple script to subset the larger file to make it appear as the first. If
> the levels are really different, you will need to perform a remapping from
> one vertical grid to another. This remap algorithm can vary from a simple
> linear interpolation in log-p to a conservative scheme that preserves
> monotonicity, all depends on your application. I usually perform this
> remapping outside grads.
>    Arlindo
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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Jeff Duda
Iowa State University
Meteorology Graduate Student
3134 Agronomy Hall
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