[gradsusr] How to set time attribute in sdfwrite

Zablone Owiti zablonowiti at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 16 06:23:07 EST 2011

Dear users,

I am writting out monthly data from a .nc file using the sdfwrite command. When I open the data I get the following warning: 

SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
and when I q dims  Time = 00z01Jan001 instead of the time for the data extracted i.e  00z01Jul1960. How can I use the sdfattr command to force the time attribute. Below is the script I am using to extract the data:
'sdfopen gcpcr.nc'
'set x 0.5 360.5'
'set y 1 180'
'set time 00z01jul1960'
'set sdfwrite r1.nc'
'define pcp=r'
'sdfwrite pcp'
'clear sdfwrite'
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