[gradsusr] colored polygons in images

Jeffrey Duda jdduda at iastate.edu
Sat Jan 15 16:34:01 EST 2011

Grads users,
I hadn't heard a response on this issue and it's been awhile.  I was
wondering if anyone else has noticed this or knows why it's happening and/or
how to stop it.  Thank you.

Jeff Duda

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jeffrey Duda <jdduda at iastate.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I keep seeing strange things when I try to plot a colored filled polygon
> and then save the image, in particular within a colorbar.  I'm using the
> color bar script provided in the scripting library page, cbar.gs.  The
> retangles always seem to "bleed" over the top line of the colorbar (seen
> only in horizontal color bars).  The original script doesn't have a black
> outline drawn on the top of a horizontal color bar (well it does, but it is
> covered up by the filled colored polygons).  I thought that made the color
> bar look tacky, which is why I modified the script ever so slightly to get
> that top line to appear.  As an example, I've attached 3 images all of the
> same data, but presented in different ways to show how the color bar acts.
> grads.png is a screenshot of my grads window (using the print screen key)
> showing the color bar appearing correctly as I want it to.
> 2.gif was obtained by issuing the command "printim 2.gif" using the same
> image as is shown in grads.png
> 3.gif is the same thing as 2.gif only sized as 5000 x 5000 pixels.  It
> shows the overlap is still there, but to much less of an extent relative to
> the size of the image.  This makes me wonder that the overlap is some
> default like "1 pixel greater no matter what the size" so that it doesn't
> show up as well for larger images.
> Can someone explain to me this behavior and how to keep the color bar
> colors from overlapping the top line of the color bar in printed images that
> are obtained using printim?  Thanks.
> Jeff Duda
> --
> Jeff Duda
> Iowa State University
> Meteorology Graduate Student
> 3134 Agronomy Hall
> www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda <http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/%7Ejdduda>

Jeff Duda
Iowa State University
Meteorology Graduate Student
3134 Agronomy Hall
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