[gradsusr] comparision of TRMM data GPCP data in GrADS

Muhammad Rahiz muhammad.rahiz at ouce.ox.ac.uk
Mon Feb 21 13:58:32 EST 2011

Either regrid GPCP to 0.25x0.25 or regrid TRMM to 1x1. I don't know how 
to do this in GrADS but CDO,IDL etc. has functions that achieve that.

Get the difference between the two files, and extract data according to 
your desired lon & lat.

Muhammad Rahiz
Researcher & DPhil Candidate (Climate Systems & Policy)
School of Geography & the Environment
University of Oxford

On Mon, 21 Feb 2011, Subash Yeggina wrote:

> Hi! All,
>  How is the interpolation of GPCP data of 1 deg by 1 deg resolution done to
> compare with TRMM data (3B42 V6) 0.25 by 0.25 resolution ? The interpolated
> GPCP value has to be dumped into a txt file along with the TRMM value at a
> particular LAT/LON
> Thanks,
> Subash

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