[gradsusr] Problem in Subplot

azhar ehsan azhar.ehsan82 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 10:19:23 EST 2011

Dear GrADS Users:

      I am trying to use "subplot.gs" from GrADS script library  to plot
multiple figures. But this display one by one single figure and following
error message.

ga-> run full.gs

No hardcopy metafile open
All files closed; all defined objects released;
All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized
  Prepare GrADS for a multi-panel plot.

  USAGE: subplot <ntot> <idx> [<ncol>] [-tall 0|1] [-tight 0|1] [-xtight
0|1] [-ytight 0|1] [-scale <scalingfactor>] [-xy <xyratio>] [-xs <xspacing>]
[-ys <yspacing>] [-xp <xpadding>] [-yp <ypadding>] [-sameh2left 0|1]
[-samey2left 0|1]
     <ntot>: total number of panels to be plotted; no preset limit. Do NOT
have to be # of rows times # of columns; will be rounded up to that value.
     <idx>: index of the panel to be plotted, numbered column-wise, from top
to bottom, then left to right.
            In each row/column, panels with smaller <idx> MUST be plotted
earlier; no constraints otherwise.
     <ncol>: number of columns; no preset limit. Defaults to 2 (even if
     -tall 1: use if the plot is so tall that cannot otherwise be fitted
into one page.
     -tight 1: use if no spaces are wanted between panels.
     -xtight 1: use if no horizontal spaces are wanted between panels.
     -ytight 1: use if no vertical spaces are wanted between panels.
     <scalingfactor>: scaling factor. Defaults to 1.
     <xyratio>: aspect ratio of the plotting area. Defaults to 1.667. An
optimal value will be calculated for latlon map projections.
     <xspacing>: horizontal spacing (in addition to initial value 0).
Defaults to 0.
     <yspacing>: vertical spacing (in addition to initial value 0). Defaults
to 0.
     <xpadding>: horizontal padding (in addition to initial value 0.33).
Defaults to 0.
     <ypadding>: vertical padding (in addition to initial value 0.22).
Defaults to 0.
     -sameh2left 1: to set panel height the same to the immediate left
     -samey2left 1: to align panel top to the immediate left panel.

  Note: Spacing refers to blank space between virtual pages; can be any
        Padding refers to space between virtual page boundaries and plotting
area; cannot be negative values.

  EXAMPLE (2 rows by 2 columns):
     set lon 120 300
     set lat -20 60
     subplot 4 1
     display sst1
     subplot 4 2
     display sst2
     subplot 4 3
     display sst3
     subplot 4 4
     display sst4

  Dependencies: parsestr.gsf, parseopt.gsf, qdims.gsf

  Copyright (C) 2009 Bin Guan.
  Distributed under GNU/GPL.
Function not found: parseopt
  Error occurred on line 45
  In file /home/azhar/scripts/subplot.gs
In file /home/azhar/scripts/subplot.gs
Function not found: parseopt
  Error occurred on line 45
  In file /home/azhar/scripts/subplot.gs
Function not found: parseopt
  Error occurred on line 45
  In file /home/azhar/scripts/subplot.gs
Function not found: parseopt
  Error occurred on line 45
  In file /home/azhar/scripts/subplot.gs
Function not found: parseopt
  Error occurred on line 45
  In file /home/azhar/scripts/subplot.gs

Advance thanks for your help/suggestions.


Muhammad Azhar Ehsan
M.Sc. Student

Department of Meteorology
King Abdulaziz University
P. O. Box 80234
Jeddah 21589
Saudi Arabia

Email:   azhar.ehsan82 at gmail.com
Mobile:  (+966) 55 1276318
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