[gradsusr] vertical profile in text file

SMITH, JONATHAN WYNN. (GSFC-6133) jonathan.smith at nasa.gov
Mon Feb 7 03:28:26 EST 2011


I have been trying for the longest to plot a simple xy  graph in grads.  These graphs will end up being vertical profile of ozone that  I  overlay on top of wrf vertical profiles made with the .ctl and .dat files.  My failed attempt at the xy plot is below:

* B Vs -VTL
read ("/Users/jonathanwsmith/Desktop/test_o3.txt")


"set ccolor 1 1"

"set cstyle 1 1"

"set cmark 2 2"

"set vrange 0 225"

"draw title Test sounding"

"printim /Users/jonathanwsmith/Desktop/ozone_test.gif"


Jonathan Wynn Smith
Student Trainee
jonathan.smith at nasa.gov
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 613.3 - Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Doctoral Candidate
jw_smith at howard.edu
Howard University Program in Atmospheric Sciences
Washington, DC 20059

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