[gradsusr] cool question about ccols and clevs

Jeffrey Duda jdduda at iastate.edu
Wed Feb 2 21:08:02 EST 2011

If you upgrade to the newest version of Grads, you can create color numbers
up to 255, so you can make up to about 240 of your own colors.  You could
span values of 1 to 5 using a contour interval of 0.02 with that many

Jeff Duda

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Ruben G. C <rubensinho at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm plotting a lot of shaded maps . The range value of the maps  are
> between 1 and 5 whit an 0.01 contour interval. The issue is that I want to
> fill the maps using the same color,  but I can't use the ccols and cvals
> commands (just like that) because I would need about 300 different
> values!!!!  even  defining a new color, the range allow by GrADS it's only
> 16-99. It is really important mantain the contour interval in 0.01 ( or very
> small) because I'm studing certains patterns of rain.
> Any idea would be great
> Regards.
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Jeff Duda
Iowa State University
Meteorology Graduate Student
3134 Agronomy Hall
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