[gradsusr] NINO regions

Maria Tembo mariatembo at aol.com
Thu Dec 8 06:14:48 EST 2011

Hi. I have managed to have some plots which are really questionable in the sese that, it's just an anomaly plot.  So i was wondering if for one to do the 5 month running as suggested by http://iri.columbia.edu/climate/ENSO/background/pastevent.html, is it ok if i use

d tloop(ave(enso,t-4,t+4)), where 'enso' has been defined as aave(ta,lon=190,lon=240,lat=-5,lat=5)'. 

Ok this is what i did....
'set t 1 12'
'set lat -15 15'
'modify tmean seasonal'
'Set t 1453 1812'
'set x 1'
'set y 1'
'enso=aave(ta,lon=190,lon=240,lat=-5,lat=5)'... &this is for nino3.4
'd tloop(ave(enso,t-4,t+4))'    &trying to calculate the 5month average and displaying at the same time

I am looking forward to the valued input, thanks a lot.. 



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