[gradsusr] Time series of hourly accumulated rainfall plotting problem

Sahidul sahidul at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 08:38:01 EDT 2011

Dear Help,
I would like plot time series of WRF hourly rainfall plot for 48hour by
finxing lat & lone. Iam able plot time series of
Accumulated rainfall But I would like to plot hour accumulated
rainfall,Please help me to solve the error
'open file.ctl'
'set lat 13.1'
'set lon 80.00'
'set t 1 49'
'set grads off'
'set grid off'
'set tlsupp year'
'set ccolor 2'
'set cthick 7'
'd rainc+rainnc'
'draw title Preciption in mm/hour'
'draw ylab Accumilated Rainfall(mm)'
'printim CHENNAI.gif white'
*****But I would like to plot hourly accumulated rainfall (each hour)
Using the following script I am trying to plot hourly rainfall time series
'open file.ctl'
'set lat 13.1'
'set lon 80.00'
while ( tt <= 49)
'set gxout line'
'set t ' tt
'set grads off'
'set grid off'
'set ccolor 2'
'set cthick 7'
'd rn'
say drain
'set gxout line'
'd drain'
'draw ylab Hourly Rainfall(mm)'
'printim CHENNAI.gif white'
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