[gradsusr] error in if command of grads

Dave Allured dave.allured at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 2 00:49:23 EDT 2011


I tried your module with different file names.  It worked fine with 
Grads version 2.0.a9.  I do not see the problem.

Try this:

1.  Ensure that your module file "convert_txt.gs" is a plain ASCII 
text file, not something strange like an MS word file, or HTML, or 
Unicode or UTF.

2.  Add a simple print statement right after the if statement, and 
before the sdfopen statement.  Something like this:

      say 'At line 5'

3.  Delete statements one at a time, starting with the write 
statement and working backward, and test each time.  See if that 
finds the problem.


Delete the write statement, and

On 8/1/2011 9:51 PM, chinh ta huu wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam
>      I use if command for calculating but I had a problem as below
> This is my module:
>         function main(args)
>              year=subwrd(args,1)
>              para=1
> */if (para = 1)
> /* 'sdfopen
> /home/chinhth/DATA/HINCAST/COLA/z500/COLA/JUN/'year'/z500.nc
> <http://z500.nc>'
> 'set t 1'
> 'set z 1'
> 'set lat -90 90'
> 'set lon 0 357.5'
> 'set gxout print'
> 'set prnopts %g 1 1'
> 'd z500'
>                  res=result
> w=write('/home/chinhth/DATA/HINCAST/COLA/z500/COLA/JUN/'year'/'year'.txt',res)
> */endif
> /*But I don't understand one error occur as bellow:
> */Unable to locate ENDIF statement for the IF statement at line 8
>              In file convert_txt.gs <http://convert_txt.gs>/*
> Please tell me this problem
> Thank you
> Chinh
> --
> (Mr.) Ta Huu Chinh
> National, Weather Forecasting Center, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
> No: 4th, Dang Thai Than, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi
> Tel: 84-903-402-181
> Fax: 84-43-824-4917
> Email: chinhth2010 at gmail.com <mailto:chinhth2010 at gmail.com>
> Website: http://vn.myblog.yahoo.com/chinhth2005/
> Website: http://bestknowledge-chinhth.blogspot.com/
> Website: http://anhcuoidep.vn

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