[gradsusr] CDAS data (Kyungsuk)

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at noaa.gov
Thu Sep 23 09:42:39 EDT 2010


     The CDAS radiation fields are computed by running the forecast model
and are the average of a 0-6 hour forecast.  So you are probably looking at
the average flux in the 9am - 3pm period.

      Wesley Ebisuzaki

Cho, Kyungsuk wrote:
> Hi, all
> Can anyone explain why?
> The downward solar radiation and temperature are showing the highest
> value at 00Z during day in CDAS data(non-pressure level).
> 00Z is same as 9 am in Korea (local time). It does not make sense !!
> Thank you in advance.
> Kyungsuk 
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