[gradsusr] Problem when plotting daily means from NetCDF

Daniel Klaus Daniel.Klaus at awi.de
Thu Sep 16 06:51:16 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I have a strange problem with GrADS:

I use a NetCDF file including daily averaged variables (fields). The 
file contains all required dimensions x, y, z, time=UNLIMITTED;//(397 
currently), where the time coordinate varies from 1 to 397, which 
corresponds to a time range of 13 months starting at the 1st of August 
2007. I open the file with "xdfopen" using a descriptor file similar to:

DSET ^file_avg.nc
TITLE 'Model daily means of prognostic variables'
UNDEF -2.56E33
XDEF lon
YDEF lat
ZDEF lev
TDEF time 397 LINEAR 0Z01Aug2007 1DY

Lon, lat and lev (x,y,z) as well as the variables (Temperature T, 
specific humidity Q, ...) are well defined directly in "file_avg.nc" and 
the file can be read without any problem. In principle, all seems to be 
ok, because creating graphics with respect to a certain time step (day 
mean vertical profile) works normally. For instance a temperature 
profile with following settings:

X is fixed     Lon = 1  X = 1
Y is fixed     Lat = 1  Y = 1
Z is varying   Lev = 1012.05 to 0.1   Z = 1 to 60
T is fixed     Time = 00Z11SEP2007  T = 42
ga-> d T

is drawed correctly but displaying a time-height cross section (contour 
plot) of temperature (i.e. using a time interval) e.g. with settings 
according to:
X is fixed     Lon = 1  X = 1
Y is fixed     Lat = 1  Y = 1
Z is varying   Lev = 1012.05 to 0.1   Z = 1 to 60
T is varying   Time = 00Z01AUG2007 to 00Z16FEB2008  T = 1 to 200
ga-> d T

fails. Although the time axis is drawed correctly, something stranged is 
displayed in the graphic window that is really nonsense. Besides I get 
the message:
Contouring: -0 to 2e+07 interval 2e+06

Now, I assume that it is a GrADS problem, because "ncview" plots the 
whole 397 day period and single days as well. GrADS has obviously a 
problem with the time coordinate, although I redefined it within the 
descriptor file.

Has anybody an idea, what have I done wrong and what to do?

best wishes,

Daniel Klaus
Dipl.-Physiker (graduate physicist), PhD Student
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Research Unit Potsdam
-Atmospheric Circulations-
Telegrafenberg A43-105
14473 Potsdam

phone: +49(331)288-2202
email: Daniel.Klaus at awi.de

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