[gradsusr] Problem with RCM Projections

Adam Cinderich cinderic at msu.edu
Fri Oct 22 21:44:28 EDT 2010

Here is an example of the .ctl file I am using to plot the CRCM data from
NARCCAP.  I realize the pdef line is incorrect, as it says lcc (lambert
conformal) rather than nps (polar stereographic) but this is the best I have
been able to plot so far (see attached temperature plot for the Great Lakes
Region as well).


I hope others can offer advice on how to reproject the data and/or have a
code they can share to regrid the data.  I think one of the problems is that
netcdf begins their (1,1) origin in the top right corner while the default
is the bottom left.which would explain why the whole plot is mirrored with
respect to a central point.


Any help/suggestions would be appreciated!


From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org]
On Behalf Of Roberto Mera
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 6:36 PM
To: GrADS Users Forum
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] Problem with RCM Projections



Yes, I'm having a similar problem so I'd be interested if anyone out there
can help out with this dataset. Adam, can you attach a ctl file so I can
look at it? 

Here is the ncdump -c of the file:

netcdf spdmax_RCM3_cgcm3_1968010103 {
    yc = 104 ;
    xc = 134 ;
    time = UNLIMITED ; // (1095 currently)
    double lat(yc, xc) ;
        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
        lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        lat:axis = "Y" ;
    double lon(yc, xc) ;
        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
        lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        lon:axis = "X" ;
    float spdmax(time, yc, xc) ;
        spdmax:grid_mapping = "Transverse_Mercator" ;
        spdmax:standard_name = "wind_speed_of_gust" ;
        spdmax:long_name = "Maximum Daily 10-Meter Wind Speed" ;
        spdmax:units = "m s-1" ;
        spdmax:coordinates = "lon lat level" ;
        spdmax:cell_methods = "time: maximum (interval: 1 day)" ;
        spdmax:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
        spdmax:original_name = "W10MX" ;
        spdmax:original_units = "m s-1" ;
        spdmax:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
    double time(time) ;
        time:standard_name = "time" ;
        time:long_name = "time" ;
        time:axis = "T" ;
        time:units = "days since 1968-01-01 00:00:0.0" ;
        time:calendar = "noleap" ;
    double xc(xc) ;
        xc:long_name = "x-coordinate in Cartesian system" ;
        xc:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
        xc:units = "m" ;
        xc:axis = "X" ;
    double yc(yc) ;
        yc:long_name = "y-coordinate in Cartesian system" ;
        yc:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
        yc:units = "m" ;
        yc:axis = "Y" ;
    char Transverse_Mercator ;
        Transverse_Mercator:grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" ;
        Transverse_Mercator:longitude_of_central_meridian = -97. ;
        Transverse_Mercator:latitude_of_projection_origin = 47.5 ;
        Transverse_Mercator:scale_factor_at_central_meridian = 1. ;
        Transverse_Mercator:false_easting = 3925000. ;
        Transverse_Mercator:false_northing = 3175000. ;
    double level ;
        level:long_name = "height" ;
        level:units = "m" ;
        level:postive = "up" ;
        level:axis = "Z" ;

// global attributes:
        :title = "UC Santa Cruz RegCM3 model output prepared for NARCCAP
historical climate using CGCM" ;
        :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
        :experiment_id = "historical climate using CGCM" ;
        :realization = "1" ;
        :table_id = "Table 1" ;
        :project_id = "NARCCAP" ;
        :source = "RegCM3 (2006) atmosphere: RegCM3v3.1 hydrostatic,
split-explicit, horizontal equal area grid resolution of 50 km by 50 km,
vertical sigma-coordinates levels ={0.025, 0.075, 0.13, 0.195, 0.27, 0.35,
0.43, 0.51, 0.59, 0.67, 0.745, 0.8099999, 0.865, 0.91, 0.945, 0.97, 0.985,
0.995} land: BATSv1e Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme" ;
        :institution = "CCIL, UC Santa Cruz (Climate Change and Impacts
Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA)" ;
        :NCO = "3.9.9" ;

 time = 0.375, 1.375, 2.375, 3.375, 4.375, 5.375, 6.375, 7.375, 8.375,
    10.375, 11.375, 12.375, 13.375, 14.375, 15.375, 16.375, 17.375, 18.375, 
    19.375, 20.375, 21.375, 22.375, 23.375, 24.375, 25.375, 26.375, 27.375, 
    28.375, 29.375, 30.375, 31.375, 32.375, 33.375, 34.375, 35.375, 36.375, 
    37.375, 38.375, 39.375, 40.375, 41.375, 42.375, 43.375, 44.375, 45.375, 
    46.375, 47.375, 48.375, 49.375, 50.375, 51.375, 52.375, 53.375, 54.375, 
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    1094.375 ;

 xc = 600000, 650000, 700000, 750000, 800000, 850000, 900000, 950000, 
    1000000, 1050000, 1100000, 1150000, 1200000, 1250000, 1300000, 1350000, 
    1400000, 1450000, 1500000, 1550000, 1600000, 1650000, 1700000, 1750000, 
    1800000, 1850000, 1900000, 1950000, 2000000, 2050000, 2100000, 2150000, 
    2200000, 2250000, 2300000, 2350000, 2400000, 2450000, 2500000, 2550000, 
    2600000, 2650000, 2700000, 2750000, 2800000, 2850000, 2900000, 2950000, 
    3000000, 3050000, 3100000, 3150000, 3200000, 3250000, 3300000, 3350000, 
    3400000, 3450000, 3500000, 3550000, 3600000, 3650000, 3700000, 3750000, 
    3800000, 3850000, 3900000, 3950000, 4000000, 4050000, 4100000, 4150000, 
    4200000, 4250000, 4300000, 4350000, 4400000, 4450000, 4500000, 4550000, 
    4600000, 4650000, 4700000, 4750000, 4800000, 4850000, 4900000, 4950000, 
    5000000, 5050000, 5100000, 5150000, 5200000, 5250000, 5300000, 5350000, 
    5400000, 5450000, 5500000, 5550000, 5600000, 5650000, 5700000, 5750000, 
    5800000, 5850000, 5900000, 5950000, 6000000, 6050000, 6100000, 6150000, 
    6200000, 6250000, 6300000, 6350000, 6400000, 6450000, 6500000, 6550000, 
    6600000, 6650000, 6700000, 6750000, 6800000, 6850000, 6900000, 6950000, 
    7000000, 7050000, 7100000, 7150000, 7200000, 7250000 ;

 yc = 600000, 650000, 700000, 750000, 800000, 850000, 900000, 950000, 
    1000000, 1050000, 1100000, 1150000, 1200000, 1250000, 1300000, 1350000, 
    1400000, 1450000, 1500000, 1550000, 1600000, 1650000, 1700000, 1750000, 
    1800000, 1850000, 1900000, 1950000, 2000000, 2050000, 2100000, 2150000, 
    2200000, 2250000, 2300000, 2350000, 2400000, 2450000, 2500000, 2550000, 
    2600000, 2650000, 2700000, 2750000, 2800000, 2850000, 2900000, 2950000, 
    3000000, 3050000, 3100000, 3150000, 3200000, 3250000, 3300000, 3350000, 
    3400000, 3450000, 3500000, 3550000, 3600000, 3650000, 3700000, 3750000, 
    3800000, 3850000, 3900000, 3950000, 4000000, 4050000, 4100000, 4150000, 
    4200000, 4250000, 4300000, 4350000, 4400000, 4450000, 4500000, 4550000, 
    4600000, 4650000, 4700000, 4750000, 4800000, 4850000, 4900000, 4950000, 
    5000000, 5050000, 5100000, 5150000, 5200000, 5250000, 5300000, 5350000, 
    5400000, 5450000, 5500000, 5550000, 5600000, 5650000, 5700000, 5750000 ;

On 10/22/10 6:48 AM, Adam Cinderich wrote: 



I am trying to plot model output from the various RCMs of NARCCAP in GrADS.
Because the default projection in GrADS differs from those of the RCMs, when
I try to plot temperature (for example), the plot does not overlay the map
correctly.  The RCM output is netcdf format and I am using a .ctl file in
GrADS.  In the .ctl file, I have tried altering the pdef line several times
but still can't get it to work correctly.  Can anyone offer any suggestions
for what to enter in the pdef line for polar stereographic and/or lambert
conformal?  Or, can anybody offer any codes that will take care of this




Adam B. Cinderich

Graduate Student

Michigan State University

Department of Geography

1E Geography Building

East Lansing, MI 48824

cinderic at msu.edu|(517)432-6218



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