[gradsusr] Time series plot

Travis Washington twashington2008 at my.fit.edu
Tue Oct 12 09:56:05 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I tried to write a time series script that writes the minimum and maximum
sea level pressure to a file. When I run the gs script in grads I get the
error Data Request Warning:  Request is completely outside file limit.  I
have copied the script below thanks for the help.

'open FNL1.ctl'
'set grads off'
'set stat on'
j = 1
while (j < 15)
'set t ' j
'set cint 0.3'
'set lat 25.0 27.5'
'set lon -83.3 -79.6'
'set gxout stat'
'd slp'

'set fwrite out.dat'
j = j+1

Travis Washington
MS Student
Department of Marine & Environmental Systems
Florida Institute of Technology
150 W University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
Ph: 850-524-0532
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