[gradsusr] Strange output

Arlindo Meque mequitomz at yahoo.com.br
Fri Oct 8 10:09:27 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I am trying to get   a OND seasonal average:

'set display color white' 
'sdfopen hgt.mon.mean.nc' 
'set mpdset hires' 
'set lon -10  60' 
'set lat -45 0' 
'set font 1' 
'set gxout shaded' 
'set xlopts 1 5 0.15' 
'set ylopts 1 5 0.15' 
'set z 2 ' 
'set t 1 12' 
'define geop=ave(hgt,t+0,t=372,12)' 
'define ond=ave(geop,t=10,t=12)' 
'd ond' 
'run cbarn.gs' 
'gxyat test.png' 

But I am getting a weird output, please see the attached file. Is there 
something missing?

I am using Version 2.0.a9.oga.1


Arlindo Meque 

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