[gradsusr] stnmap error: Invalid station hdr found in station binary file

Nena Carina Española nena at asti.dost.gov.ph
Tue Oct 19 06:04:27 EDT 2010

  Hi Guys!

I'm having trouble creating a map for my station data. I tried searching 
the gradsusr archive and found this 
http://gradsusr.org/pipermail/gradsusr/2009-April/008444.html. It wasn't 
answered either. Our problems are almost identical except for the 
variables. I also used the C program in Recipe 013 of the OpenGrADS 

Attached are the station data, the station data descriptor file, the C 
program I used to create the binary, and the binary itself.

Here's the error I got:

~/Grads/Basyang$ stnmap -i stationdata.ctl
   Name of binary data set: stationdata.bin
   Number of times in the data set: 1
   Number of surface variables: 3
   Number of level dependent variables: 0

Starting scan of station data binary file.
Binary data file open: stationdata.bin

Processing time step 1
   Invalid station hdr found in station binary file
   Possible causes:  Invalid level count in hdr
                     Descriptor file mismatch
                     File not station data
                     Invalid relative time
     levs = 1148985344  flag = 956905520  time = 1.4013e-45

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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