[gradsusr] Cuestion

RafaelCB rafael.ciram at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 10:33:45 EST 2010

In WRF has two types of precipitation
rainc 0 0 TOTAL CUMULUS Accumulated Precipitation (cm)
rain 0 0 TOTAL GRID SCALE Accumulated Precipitation (cm)
You need to add the two variables to have the total precipitation that time.

* Precipitation
set gxout shaded
d rain+rainc

* Pressure
contour set gxout
d slp


2010/11/9 Juan Jose Amides Figueroa Urbano <juanjosefigueroa at gmail.com>

> Hello, i new in GrADS, i need a list of available diagnostics or productos
> to see in GrADS from WRF model, i try whit rainc for rain and pressure ("d
> rainc" and  "d pressure") can you help me?
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Rafael Censi Borges
Téc.Meteorologia - Epagri/Ciram
+55 (48)3239-8064/8066
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