[gradsusr] plotting vertical wind profiles

anil devrani devranianil at gmail.com
Thu May 27 06:42:46 EDT 2010

           I use the following script for a specific station(lat/lon) for
 27 levels and time t=1 to t=37.I have used three types of displays viz
speed in knots, m/sec and skipping some values.
You  may change these values to suit your requirement.Data file used by me
is 05may06_nonocc.ctl
Hope it serves your purpose.

'open 05may06_nonocc.ctl'
'set lat 30.15'
'set lon 74.45'
'set gxout barb'
'set t  1 37'
'set z 1 27'
*'d u;v'
*'d skip(u,6,6);v'
'd skip(u*1.942,1,2);v*1.942'
*'fprintf u;v  wdprof_vert_da.csv %g, 37 0'

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Claudia Walters <ckwalter at umd.umich.edu>wrote:

> I would like to plot vertical wind profiles that display both the wind
> speed and the wind direction at select points.   In another program (i.e.,
> Gempak) I was able to plot a line graph of wind speed in the vertical on the
> left and wind barbs at selected elevations denoting wind direction on the
> right in the same graph.  In Grads, I am able to plot wind speed, but I have
> not found a way to display a vertical profile of wind direction using wind
> barbs or wind vectors, etc.   I would appreciate any advice.
> Thanks,
> Claudia
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