[gradsusr] User-defined functons in GrADS 2

Michael Fiorino michael.fiorino at noaa.gov
Fri May 21 09:07:10 EDT 2010


the opengrads.org version of 2.0 supports user-defined 'extensions'. 
Arlindo and I have ported over most of the popular udfs included a
corrected version of my 'regrid2' udf now invoked in opergrads2.0 as 're2'.

ciao  mike

On 5/20/10 1:53 PM, Miller, Timothy L. (MSFC-VP61) wrote:
> We have recently installed grads2 on our Linux box.  We have been
> using grads 1.94, which is also still installed.  Grads2 is finding my
> script files, but not the user-defined functions.  The latter still
> work with grads 1.94, but not grads 2.  Can anyone offer any
> suggestions on what I still need to do?
> Thanks in advance.
> Tim Miller, NASA/MSFC
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