[gradsusr] generating ctl

Cristian Gonzal Muñoz Castillo cmunozc at udec.cl
Fri May 7 14:09:31 EDT 2010

Yes it can, all you have to do is to properly define the ctl file
associated with your data. I attach an example for grads v2.0.a8

hope it works for you

> Hello,
> Can Grads read an ascii file .dat?
> I supose I have to transform it to a GRIB file and then create a CTL for
> it,
> how can I do this?
> the file in question is attached, it's from the wave model SWAM.
> Thanks a lot,
> Gabriel
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Cristian G. Muñoz Castillo
Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas
Oficina 442
Depto. Geofísica (DGEO)
Fono (41) 2203155
Facultad Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Concepción
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