[gradsusr] Freq. Histogram

dhaval.prajapati at iccsir.org dhaval.prajapati at iccsir.org
Tue Mar 23 01:27:37 EDT 2010

 Dear All,

 I want to plot the freq. Histogram using Grads. I am having 1 deg. by 1 deg. rainfall data for 57 years.
 I got the script from Bin Guan's Grads Scripts. I dont know how to use it please guide me if you know ?
 I am attaching the hist.gs file for Histogram 


Indian Centre for Climate and Societal Impacts Research (ICCSIR)
Ahmedabad Education Society compound,
Opp. H.L. Commerce College,
Ahmedabad 380 009,
Contact No. : +91(079)40045462

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