[gradsusr] help

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Fri Mar 12 19:37:13 EST 2010

On Mar 12, 2010, at 3:58 PM, luis blacutt wrote:

> Dear grads users I have two problems,
> I generated a netcdf file using xconv but now I can't read it on  
> grads it gives me the following error:
> ga-> sdfopen mday_PRCDAY_AJ.nc
> Scanning self-describing file:  mday_PRCDAY_AJ.nc
>  NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension bound
> SDF Error: nc_get_vara_double failed to read coordinate axis value
> gadsdf: Error reading first time value in SDF file.
What is the output from ncdump -hc?

> The second problem is related to the first one, I have the same file  
> in a different format. I can access it through a ctl file. When I  
> try to convert it to netcdf format I have the following error:
> ga-> run dr2nc.gs
> No hardcopy metafile open
> All files closed; all defined objects released;
> All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized
> Define Error:  Unable to allocate data memory
>   Size of request was 469045200 grid elements
469045200 * 8 bytes per grid element  = 3.5 Gb.
Do you have this much memory available on your system?

> violation segment
> Can anyone help me?
> Luis
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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