Total precipitation data

Tononi Davide Ext-Davide.Tononi at VTT.FI
Wed Mar 31 11:52:59 EDT 2010

The problems is that the metereologica data observed are only for month and for few cities.
So we need the data of INTERIM every 12 hours like the files that the problem is that the two data are not close each other.
Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT [mailto:GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT] On Behalf Of Todd MItchell
Sent: 31. maaliskuuta 2010 18:28
Subject: Re: Total precipitation data

HI David,

Good for you for comparing the INTERIM and observed data.  Since you have observed data, why don't you just use that?  What temporal and spatial resolution do you need the precipitation data for?

Todd Mitchell

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Tononi Davide wrote:
> Dear grads user.
> I´m Davide Tononi and i'm doing some research about moisture on 
> structure. For that i need the precipitation data for some cities in 
> different part of Europe.
> For the data of precipitation i download from the web page: 
> _ the data of total 
> precipitation.
> This data are every 12 hours so 2 times for day and is the sum of the
> 12 previous hours.
> I've tried to compare this data, downloaded with step 3, with the data 
> of metereological observation and the situation is like this:
>   	city 	Average temperature [ºC] 	Average RH [%] 	Annual 
> precipitation from INTERIM [mm] 	Annual precipitation [mm] from 
> observation
> B 	Florence 	13.7 	76 	386 	920
> C 	Helsinki 	6.3 	83 	293 	653
> Do you know how is possible this difference?
> I've tried also to download the data with step 6 and in this case for 
> the city of helsinki the situation change but now is bigger than in 
> the real situation.
>   	city 	Average temperature [ºC] 	Average RH [%] 	Annual 
> precipitation from INTERIM [mm] 	Annual precipitation [mm] from 
> observation
> C 	Helsinki 	6.3 	83 	1380 	653
> And if i sum al the precipitation for 10 years for different cities in 
> Europe the sum are very close each other for different cities.
> So some of you can explain to me the meaning of the step? Some of you 
> have already use that data and can explain better how is the meaning 
> of this total precipitation?
> Thank you so much
> Best regards
> Davide Tononi
> VTT researcher

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