linear interpolation functions in grads-2.0.a5.oga.5
Henrique Barbosa
hmjbarbosa at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 23 20:30:52 EDT 2010
Dear James,
I am getting the same problem as you when using Mike's linreg().
grads-bundle 2.0.a7-oga.3 just exits with no error message.
Have you solved the problem?
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 8:38 PM, James T. Potemra <jimp at> wrote:
> Hi Mike:
> Thanks for the reply. For some reason this causes my grads to exit.
> I open the file, pick a point (lat,lon), then run trend=linreg(y) and
> grads just quits (no error or seg fault):
> Welcome to the OpenGrADS Bundle Distribution
> --------------------------------------------
> For additional information enter "opengrads --help".
> Starting
> "/usr/local/grads-2.0.a5.oga.5/Contents/Linux/Versions/2.0.a5.oga.5/x86_64/grads
> -HC 1 -l -g 1000x800 " ...
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.a5.oga.5
> Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by Brian Doty and the
> Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information
> Config: v2.0.a5.oga.5 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf
> hdf4-sds opendap-grids,stn athena geotiff
> Issue 'q config' command for more information.
> Loading User Defined Extensions table
> </usr/local/grads-2.0.a5.oga.5/Contents/Linux/Versions/2.0.a5.oga.5/x86_64/gex/udxt>
> ... ok.
> GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
> Command line history in /export/lii/jimp/.grads.log
> ga-> open c20c_tas
> Scanning description file: c20c_tas
> Data file is open as file 1
> LON set to 0 360
> LAT set to -89.4944 89.4944
> LEV set to 1 1
> Time values set: 1861:7:1:0 1861:7:1:0
> E set to 1 1
> ga-> set lat 0
> LAT set to 1.01124 1.01124
> ga-> set lon 180
> LON set to 181.25 181.25
> ga-> set t 1 140
> Time values set: 1861:7:1:0 2000:7:1:0
> ga-> d tas
> ga-> trend=linreg(tas)
> Michael Fiorino wrote:
>> jim,
>> my linreg extension does work... e.g., trend=linreg(y)
>> in a script the m and b are printed to the 'result' variable.
>> /r mike
>> James T. Potemra wrote:
>>> I'm running grads-2.0.a5.oga.5 on a 64-bit linux machine and want to do
>>> a linear
>>> fit to a time-series. There appears to be a UDF called "linreg" that is
>>> included
>>> in Mike Fiorino's UDF library, but the man page at
>>> does not list this function.
>>> Conversely, there is a man page for "tregr2" at
>>> as part of Ben-Jei Tsuang's UDF library, but that does not appear in the
>>> UDC list
>>> (see list below).
>>> I would like to plot a linear fit through a time-series of a particular
>>> variable. It looks
>>> like either of these would do this, but in my case the independent
>>> variable is time, and
>>> I'm not sure if I need to somehow define that in the Y = m * X + b
>>> syntax for either
>>> tregr2 or linreg.
>>> I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks,
>>> Jim
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ga-> q udf
>>> User
>>> Defined
>>> FUNCTION Short Description Function at Library
>>> ---------- -----------------------------------
>>> --------------------------
>>> lt Less than operator f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> jd Julian day f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> cosz Cosine solar zenith angle f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> dayratio Daylight ratio f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> if Conditional function f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> maxv Maximum value f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> minv Minimum value f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> which Label gridpoints f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> ftest F-test f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> ttest T-test f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> tfit Point linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> fit Global linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> tcorr2 Time correlation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> tregr2 Point linear regression f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> tmave2 Time averaging w/masking f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> madvu Calculates -d(u*EXPR)/dx f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> madvv Calculates -d(V*EXPR)/dy f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> madvw Calculates -d(W*EXPR)/dp f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> muadv Zonal advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> mvadv Meridional advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> mwadv Vertical advection f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> satvap Saturated vapor pressure f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> dew Dew point temperature f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> lw Thermal infrared fluxes f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> lw2 Thermal infrared fluxes v2 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> pinterp Pressure interpolation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> zinterp Height interpolation f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> line Draws a line f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> vint2 Mass-weighted vertical integral f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
>>> fish Poisson solver f_fish@^fish.gex
>>> fish_psi Compute streamfunction f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>> fish_chi Compute velocity potential f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>> fish_vor Compute vorticity f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>> fish_div Compute divergence f_psichi@^fish.gex
>>> dewpt Dew-point temperature f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> ept Equivalent potential temperature f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> epi Potential Instability f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> plcl Pressure at LCL f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> shear Wind Shear f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> srh1km Storm-relative Helicity 0-1km' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> srh3km Storm-relative Helicity 0-3km' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> tlcl Temperature at LCL f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> tsindex Chance of T-storm Initiation f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> ttindex Total Totals Index f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> wchill Wind Chill Index (New) f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> hello Hello, World! sample function f_hello@^libhello.gex
>>> ipc_save Save expression to stream f_Save@^libipc.gex
>>> ipc_load Load variable from file f_Load@^libipc.gex
>>> smth2d Shuman smoother/de-smoother f_smth2d@^libmf.gex
>>> uv2trw Find radial/tangential velocity f_uv2trw@^libmf.gex
>>> re2 General interpolator (regrid2) f_re2@^libmf.gex
>>> esmrf Saturation vapor pressure (old MRF) f_esmrf@^libmf.gex
>>> linreg Linear regression: mx + b f_linreg@^libmf.gex
>>> re General interpolator ffre@^re.gex
>>> re_ General interpolator (verbose) ffre_dbg@^re.gex
>>> regrid2 regrid2-like wrapper for re() f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> reimg Interpolation for Image Generation' f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
>>> sh_filt Spherical harmonic filter f_shfilt@^shfilt.gex
>>> sh_power Spherical harmonic spectra f_shpowr@^shfilt.gex
>>> ---------- -----------------------------------
>>> --------------------------
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