[gradsusr] Writing to multiple output files

James T. Potemra jimp at hawaii.edu
Mon Jun 14 17:53:05 EDT 2010

Hi Justin:

Not sure if I understand this, but you can just make the output file name
change with time, e.g., put the statement " outfile='output.rtf' " 
inside the
loop, and change it to something like the following (assume the index i is
for each time step):
i = 1
while ( i<=imax)
   'set t 'i
    outfile = 'output'%i'.rtf'
   i = i + 1
This will create a file called "output1.rft' for the first time (i=1), 
for the second time (t=2) and so on.


Justin Traiteur wrote:
> I am wondering if anyone knows how to write a GrADS script to write to  
> multiple output files.  Currently the code only writes to one file for  
> one time only.  I have a time series that needs to be broken into  
> different output files.  I have 240 different times to write to and  
> would rather not do this by hand.  Below is a copy of my current script.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> #GrADS script to output "sounding" values to a text file
> #SMcMillan, 6/11/2010
> #Assumes variables tmpprs, ugrdprs, vgrdprs available
> #
> outfile='output.rtf'
> 'set x 1';'set y 1';'set z 1';'set t 1'
> zlev=1;ts=1
> lo=3;la=3
> while(zlev<=31)
>   'd hgtprs(t='ts',lon='lo',lat='la',z='zlev')';val1=subwrd(result, 
> 4);hgt=math_format('%9.0f',val1)
>   'd ugrdprs(t='ts',lon='lo',lat='la',z='zlev')';val2=subwrd(result, 
> 4);u=math_format('%9.1f',val2)
>   'd vgrdprs(t='ts',lon='lo',lat='la',z='zlev')';val3=subwrd(result, 
> 4);v=math_format('%9.1f',val3)
>   'd pressfc(t='ts',lon='lo',lat='la')';val4=subwrd(result, 
> 4);prs=math_format('%9.0f',val4)
>   'd lev(z='zlev')';plev=subwrd(result,4);val5=subwrd(result, 
> 4);plev=math_format('%9.0f',val5)
>   'd tmpprs(t='ts',lon='lo',lat='la',z='zlev')';val6=subwrd(result, 
> 4);tmp=math_format('%9.1f', val6)
>   "set z " zlev
>   'd tmpprs*pow((1000/lev),0.286)';val7=subwrd(result, 
> 4);theta=math_format('%9.1f',val7)
>   'd rhprs/100*621.97*(6.11*pow(10,(7.5*(tmpprs-273.15))/(237.7+ 
> (tmpprs-273.15)))/(lev-(6.11*pow(10,(7.5*(tmpprs-273.15))/(237.7+ 
> (tmpprs-273.15))))))/1000';val8=subwrd(result, 
> 4);mr=math_format('%9.6f',val8)
>   vals=hgt%u%v%theta%mr%prs;say vals
>   dummy=write(outfile,vals)
>   zlev=zlev+1
> dummy=close(outfile)
> endwhile
> say 'Files written to 'outfile
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