Interpolate 3D variables on pressure levels or model levels to height levels

Javier Peña javier.p at EREDA.COM
Fri Feb 5 05:16:02 EST 2010

Dear users:

 I have a doubt which someone could solve it:

I have two data type from:
For one hand I have 16 levels of model levels (45,46,...60) wiht variables
u-wind, v-wind, temperature, humedity relative and  the surface level with
variables: geopotential and log of surface pressure.
For other hand I have 10 levels of pressure levels ( 1000, 975, 950,
....775) with variables u-wind, v-wind and geopotential.

They are grib files and, with, gribmap and grads, I can extract
all data in ASCII format but, the question is the following:

Is it possible to interpolate the data in height and obtain those variables
in the heigth that I want. I mean, Is it possible to obtain, from the model
levels or pressure levels, heigth levels with GRADS or other program?

Thank you very much at all

Kind regards:

Javier Peña

Javier Peña Álvarez
Energías Renovables
javier.p at

Tel:  +34 91 5014755
Fax: +34 91 5014756
Pº. Marqués de Monistrol 7
28011 MADRID
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