Wind speed direction

Cristian Gonzal Muñoz Castillo cmunozc at UDEC.CL
Wed Feb 3 11:30:50 EST 2010

Hi Grads users,

I have wind speed data and i would like to display it on grads as vectors
on each grid point. I also have on a different variable their direction
measured as sexagesimal degrees. Is there any way to do what i want? That
is associate each wind speed with its corresponding direction and display
that association on grads as a vector.

Thank you all.

Cristian G. Muñoz Castillo
Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas
Oficina 442
Depto. Geofísica (DGEO)
Fono (41) 2203155
Facultad Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Concepción

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