difference between two files

Gisele Zepka gzepka at DGE.INPE.BR
Tue Feb 2 08:47:52 EST 2010



Em 2/2/2010 11:36, Paulo escreveu:
> Hi Gisele,
> You may try the following:
> 1 - Cut both files in lat/lon (same lat/lon for both) and if they have 
> the same spatial resolution (if the regrid function worked ok) they 
> will have the same quantities of points in x and y.
> What kind of data are you using? Netcdf, binary or any other?
> Paulo.
> /“Se alguém ama uma flor da qual só existe um exemplar em milhões de 
> estrelas, isso basta para que seja feliz quando a contempla." (Antoine 
> de Saint-Exupéry)/
> Em 02/02/2010 11:26, *Gisele Zepka < http://biologias.com/ >* escreveu:
>     Hello users!!
>     I have two files with different resolutions and I want to compare the
>     differences between them. I used the regrid function to take both
>     in the
>     same resolution. The regrided file is just one hour, while in the
>     other
>     I have a range of 22 times. I want to compare just the hour of the
>     first, so I have two problems when I try to do that: an error of
>     resolution, because the two files don't have the same quantity of
>     points
>     in x and y and I don't know how to set the time just for the
>     second and
>     then calculate the difference.
>     Please any help will be nice!
>     Thanks,
>     Gisele
>     -- 
>     Msc. Gisele dos Santos Zepka
>     Atmospheric Electricity Group (ELAT)
>     National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
>     Av. dos Astronautas, 1758
>     São José dos Campos/ SP/ Brazil CEP 122 27-010
>     Phone ++55(12)39456841

Msc. Gisele dos Santos Zepka
Atmospheric Electricity Group (ELAT)
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758
São José dos Campos/ SP/ Brazil CEP 12227-010
Phone ++55(12)39456841

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