[gradsusr] ensemble windchill
eric delaere
karimhamid2 at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 10 08:05:07 EST 2010
I have problems with printing the ensemble meteogram for the wind chill (with whiskers & bars). No problem to make a ensemble for eg. T850 or so, but to calculate the wind chill, I need to use some formula & also some maskout & const stuff...
Therefore , the min, max,..etc aren't correct in the tloop formula...
Obviously I do something wrong in my script philosophy but what??
(I use grads 2.0)
function main( args )
'sdfopen http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gens_bc/gens'datum''mon''day'/gep_all_'run'z'
* Calculate the ensemble mean
* ---------------------------
'set lon 4'
'set lat 51'
'set t 1 37'
'define wind = (mag(ugrd10m,vgrd10m))'
'define windH = const(const(maskout(wind,wind-1),1),0,-u)'
'define windL = const(const(maskout(wind,0.999-wind),1),0,-u)'
'define W = wind*2.2369363'
'define T = (9/5)*(tmp2m-273.15)+32'
'define chillf= 35.74+(0.6215*T)-(35.75*pow(W,0.16))+(0.4275*T*pow(W,0.16))'
'define chillC = (chillf-32)*(5/9)'
'define chill2 = (windL*(tmp2m-273.15))+(windH*chillC)'
'define ensmean=ave(chill2,e=1,e=21)'
'set cmark 0'
'set vrange -20 10'
'set ylint 5'
'set cstyle 2'
'set ccolor 4'
'set cthick 3'
'display ensmean'
* Calculate the variance
* ----------------------
diffsq = 'pow(chill2-ensmean,2)'
variance = 'ave('diffsq',e=1,e=21)'
'define stddev=sqrt('variance')'
* Calculate the min/max
* ---------------------
'define ensmin=tloop(min(chill2,e=1,e=21))'
'set cmark 0'
'set vrange -20 10'
'set ylint 5'
'set cstyle 1'
'set ccolor 4'
'set cthick 3'
'd ensmin'
'define ensmax=tloop(max(chill2,e=1,e=21))'
'set cmark 0'
'set vrange -20 10'
'set ylint 5'
'set cstyle 1'
'set ccolor 2'
'set cthick 3'
'd ensmax'
* Plot the results
* ----------------
'set t 1 37'
'set lon 4'
'set lat 51'
'set vrange -20 10'
'set ylint 5'
* Draw error bars for min/max
* ---------------------------
'set gxout errbar'
'set bargap 70'
'set rgb 16 183 183 183'
'set ccolor 16'
'set cthick 3'
'd ensmin;ensmax'
* Draw bars for +/- standard deviation
* ------------------------------------
plus = '(ensmean+stddev)'
minus = '(ensmean-stddev)'
'set gxout bar'
'set bargap 50'
'set baropts filled'
'set rgb 16 183 183 183'
'set ccolor 16'
'd 'minus';'plus
* Draw line for Ensemble mean
* ---------------------------
'set gxout line'
'set cmark 0'
'set cthick 6'
'set digsiz 0.05'
'set ccolor 2'
'd ensmean'
'printim c:\model\upload\test\ensemble.png'
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