[gradsusr] Error Message: gancgrid error

sudev das M P devdas.pnr at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 13:23:30 EST 2010

Respected Madam,

Thanks for your kind reply. I got the problem solved.

Now I can display the variable in the NetCDF file.

Thanking You,

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org> wrote:

> Thank you, Sudev, for the extra info. The problem is that GrADS doesn't
> understand the time axis metadata in the file ... note that it tells you
> "SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values."
> Default values do not match the actual time axis, so GrADS gets the shape
> wrong, thus the error message about the index exceeding the dimension bound.
> This was fixed in version 2.0.a7 -- in newer versions, sdfopen would not
> understand the time axis and would therefore not be able to look at any of
> the variables in the file since they all use the time axis. The message you
> would see in later versions is this:
>      "SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
>       gadsdf: SDF file does not have any non-coordinate variables."
> and the file would not be opened.
> What you need to do is use xdfopen, and provide the time axis metadata that
> GrADS requires in a descriptor file:
> dset ^FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc
> tdef time 12 linear 1jan0001 1mo
> This will work in your version of GrADS. Note that GrADS doesn't really
> support climatological time axes in descriptor files, so you have to assign
> a year, in this case I used year 0001.
> --Jennifer
> On Dec 8, 2010, at 12:27 PM, sudev das M P wrote:
> Respected Madam,
> I am using GrADS Version 2.0.a6. My processor is 64 bit x86-64 quad-core.
> I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga).
> I am not using descriptor file. I am opening the file using
> "sdfopen"  comand.
> ***********************************************************************
> ga-> sdfopen FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc
> Scanning self-describing file:  FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc
> SDF file has no discernable time coordinate -- using default values.
> SDF file FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc is open as file 1
> LON set to 29.5 120.5
> LAT set to -29.5 29.5
> LEV set to 0 0
> Time values set: 1:1:1:0 1:1:1:0
> E set to 1 1
> ************************************************************************
> Out put from "ncdump -c"
> ******************************************************************
>  ncdump -c FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc
> netcdf FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf {
> dimensions:
>         lon = 92 ;
>         lat = 60 ;
>         time = 12 ;
> variables:
>         float lon(lon) ;
>                 lon:long_name = "Degrees Longitude" ;
>                 lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>                 lon:valid_range = 0.f, 359.9f ;
>                 lon:actual_range = 29.5f, 120.5f ;
>         float lat(lat) ;
>                 lat:long_name = "Degrees Latitude" ;
>                 lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>                 lat:positive_dir = "positive northward" ;
>                 lat:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ;
>                 lat:actual_range = -29.5f, 29.5f ;
>         short time(time) ;
>                 time:long_name = "Climatological Month" ;
>                 time:units = "Calendar Month Number" ;
>                 time:actual_range = 1, 12 ;
>                 time:time_step = 1 ;
>         int Wu(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 Wu:long_name = "Psuedostress Climatology (zonal (E-W)
> component) (Filtered)" ;
>                 Wu:positive_dir = "positive eastward" ;
>                 Wu:units = "m2/s2" ;
>                 Wu:scale_factor = 0.0001f ;
>                 Wu:missing_value = 32767 ;
>                 Wu:actual_range = -891510, 1236231 ;
>         int Wv(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 Wv:long_name = "Psuedostress Climatology (meridional (N-S)
> component) (Filtered)" ;
>                 Wv:positive_dir = "positive northward" ;
>                 Wv:units = "m2/s2" ;
>                 Wv:scale_factor = 0.0001f ;
>                 Wv:missing_value = 32767 ;
>                 Wv:actual_range = -1030279, 1465481 ;
>         int T_air(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 T_air:long_name = "10m Air Temperature Climatology
> (Filtered)" ;
>                 T_air:units = "Celsius" ;
>                 T_air:actual_range = 1492452, 3209452 ;
>                 T_air:scale_factor = 1.e-05f ;
>                 T_air:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int q_air(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 q_air:long_name = "10m Specific Humidity Climatology
> (Filtered)" ;
>                 q_air:units = "kg/kg" ;
>                 q_air:actual_range = 9471337, 25370482 ;
>                 q_air:scale_factor = 1.e-09f ;
>                 q_air:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int SST(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 SST:long_name = "Sea Surface Temperature Climatology
> (Filtered)" ;
>                 SST:units = "Celsius" ;
>                 SST:actual_range = 1439837, 3321173 ;
>                 SST:scale_factor = 1.e-05f ;
>                 SST:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int spd(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 spd:long_name = "10m Scalar Averaged Wind Speed Climatology
> (Filtered)" ;
>                 spd:units = "m/s" ;
>                 spd:actual_range = 326308, 1376039 ;
>                 spd:scale_factor = 1.e-05f ;
>                 spd:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int TAU_u(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 TAU_u:long_name = "Zonal Stress Climatology (Filtered)" ;
>                 TAU_u:units = "N/meter^2" ;
>                 TAU_u:positive_dir = "positive eastward" ;
>                 TAU_u:actual_range = -1516837, 2172231 ;
>                 TAU_u:scale_factor = 1.e-07f ;
>                 TAU_u:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int TAU_v(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 TAU_v:long_name = "Meridional Stress Climatology
> (Filtered)" ;
>                 TAU_v:units = "N/meter^2" ;
>                 TAU_v:positive_dir = "positive northward" ;
>                 TAU_v:actual_range = -1733125, 2601654 ;
>                 TAU_v:scale_factor = 1.e-07f ;
>                 TAU_v:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int LHF(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 LHF:long_name = "Latent Heat Flux Climatology (Filtered)" ;
>                 LHF:units = "watt/meter^2" ;
>                 LHF:positive_dir = "positive upward" ;
>                 LHF:actual_range = -408654, 2105644 ;
>                 LHF:scale_factor = 0.0001f ;
>                 LHF:missing_value = 32767 ;
>         int SHF(time, lat, lon) ;
>                 SHF:long_name = "Sensible Heat Flux Climatology (Filtered)"
> ;
>                 SHF:units = "watt/meter^2" ;
>                 SHF:positive_dir = "positive upward" ;
>                 SHF:actual_range = -269923, 751183 ;
>                 SHF:scale_factor = 0.0001f ;
>                 SHF:missing_value = 32767 ;
> // global attributes:
>                 :title = "FSU Objectively Gridded Indian Monthly Flux
> Climatology (Filtered)" ;
>                 :source = "COAPS at Florida State University" ;
>                 :base_time = "December" ;
>                 :history = "Created on Thu Sep  6 14:38:22 EDT 2007 by
>                 :grid_space = "1 degree" ;
>                 :version = "3.1" ;
>                 :version_title = "Objective Research Quality" ;
>                 :base_data_sets = "COADS LMRF6v2.1 (12/1977-1997), COADS
> LMRF6v2.2 (1998-2004), TAO  Buoys (1980-2004)" ;
>                 :sst_data_sets = "OI (1978-11/1981), OI.v2
> (12/1981-present)" ;
>                 :conventions = "COARDS" ;
>                 :contact_info = "winds at coaps.fsu.edu" ;
>                 :contact_url = "
> http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/RVSMDC/FSUFluxes/index.php" ;
>                 :reference = "Bourassa, M.A., S.R. Romero, S.R. Smith, and
> J.J. O\'Brien, 2005: A New FSU winds climatology. J. Climate, 18,
> 3692-3704." ;
>                 :sst_reference = "Data described in Reynolds, R.W., N.A.
> Rayner, T.M. Smith, D.C. Stokes, and W. Wang, 2002: An Improved In Situ and
> Satellite SST Analysis for Climate, J. Climate." ;
> data:
>  lon = 29.5, 30.5, 31.5, 32.5, 33.5, 34.5, 35.5, 36.5, 37.5, 38.5, 39.5,
>     40.5, 41.5, 42.5, 43.5, 44.5, 45.5, 46.5, 47.5, 48.5, 49.5, 50.5, 51.5,
>     52.5, 53.5, 54.5, 55.5, 56.5, 57.5, 58.5, 59.5, 60.5, 61.5, 62.5, 63.5,
>     64.5, 65.5, 66.5, 67.5, 68.5, 69.5, 70.5, 71.5, 72.5, 73.5, 74.5, 75.5,
>     76.5, 77.5, 78.5, 79.5, 80.5, 81.5, 82.5, 83.5, 84.5, 85.5, 86.5, 87.5,
>     88.5, 89.5, 90.5, 91.5, 92.5, 93.5, 94.5, 95.5, 96.5, 97.5, 98.5, 99.5,
>     100.5, 101.5, 102.5, 103.5, 104.5, 105.5, 106.5, 107.5, 108.5, 109.5,
>     110.5, 111.5, 112.5, 113.5, 114.5, 115.5, 116.5, 117.5, 118.5, 119.5,
>     120.5 ;
>  lat = -29.5, -28.5, -27.5, -26.5, -25.5, -24.5, -23.5, -22.5, -21.5,
> -20.5,
>     -19.5, -18.5, -17.5, -16.5, -15.5, -14.5, -13.5, -12.5, -11.5, -10.5,
>     -9.5, -8.5, -7.5, -6.5, -5.5, -4.5, -3.5, -2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5,
>     2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5,
>     15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21.5, 22.5, 23.5, 24.5, 25.5, 26.5,
>     27.5, 28.5, 29.5 ;
>  time = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ;
> }
> ************************************************************************************
> Thanks,
> Sincerely,
> Sudev.
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org> wrote:
>> Sudev,
>> Please supply the version of GrADS you are running, specifics about the
>> platform you are running GrADS on, the output from running "ncdump -c" on
>> your NetCDF file, and your descriptor file (if you are using 'open' or
>> 'xdfopen').
>> --Jennifer
>> On Dec 8, 2010, at 2:20 AM, sudev das M P wrote:
>> Hai All,
>> I have a monthly flux climatology data in NetCDF format.
>> I have taken the data from the following link:
>> http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/RVSMDC/FSUFluxes/research.php
>> While trying to display the variable I am getting the following
>> error. Please somebody tell me how to solve this.
>> Thanks,
>> Sincerely,
>> sudev.
>> ************************************************
>> ga-> q file
>> File 1 : FSU Objectively Gridded Indian Monthly Flux Climatology
>> (Filtered)
>>   Descriptor: FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc
>>   Binary: FSU_flux_ndn_19782003v31a_rcf.nc
>>   Type = Gridded
>>   Xsize = 92  Ysize = 60  Zsize = 1  Tsize = 1  Esize = 1
>>   Number of Variables = 10
>>      wu  0  y,x  Psuedostress Climatology (zonal (E-W) component)
>> (Filtered)
>>      wv  0  y,x  Psuedostress Climatology (meridional (N-S) component)
>> (Filtered)
>>      t_air  0  y,x  10m Air Temperature Climatology (Filtered)
>>      q_air  0  y,x  10m Specific Humidity Climatology (Filtered)
>>      sst  0  y,x  Sea Surface Temperature Climatology (Filtered)
>>      spd  0  y,x  10m Scalar Averaged Wind Speed Climatology (Filtered)
>>      tau_u  0  y,x  Zonal Stress Climatology (Filtered)
>>      tau_v  0  y,x  Meridional Stress Climatology (Filtered)
>>      lhf  0  y,x  Latent Heat Flux Climatology (Filtered)
>>      shf  0  y,x  Sensible Heat Flux Climatology (Filtered)
>> ga-> d sst
>> gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension
>> bound
>> Data Request Error:  Error for variable 'sst'
>>   Error ocurred at column 1
>> DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
>>   Expression = sst
>> *******************************************************************
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>>  --
>> Jennifer M. Adams
>> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>> Calverton, MD 20705
>> jma at cola.iges.org
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>> gradsusr mailing list
>> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
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> _______________________________________________
> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at cola.iges.org
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> gradsusr mailing list
> gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> http://gradsusr.org/mailman/listinfo/gradsusr
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