[gradsusr] Fwd: How to use NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data

gibies george gibies at tropmet.res.in
Fri Dec 3 05:04:41 EST 2010

Hello Djordje,

As far as I know GrADS take time either in *ddmmmyyyy* (for example 1jan1948
) format or as *n* th timestep.

On 3 December 2010 14:01, Djordje Romanic <djordje8 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Users,
> Please, anyone... can you confirm me will the following command averaged
> the u wind component for the time period from jan1948 to dec2000 (at 500 mb
> hight) and for the whole globe?
> sdfopen
> http://monsoondata.org:9090/dods/_expr_{rean3d}{ave(u,t=1jan1948,t=31dec2000)}{0:360,-90:90,500:500,jan1948,dec2000}<http://monsoondata.org:9090/dods/_expr_%7Brean3d%7D%7Bave%28u%2Ct%3D1jan1948%2Ct%3D31dec2000%29%7D%7B0%3A360%2C-90%3A90%2C500%3A500,jan1948,dec2000%7D>
> Please, any comment would be very valuable for me.
> Thanks in advance,
> Djordje
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Djordje Romanic <djordje8 at gmail.com>
> Date: 2010/12/2
> Subject: How to use NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data
> To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org
> Dear All,
> Please would you be so kind to explain me how to perform the following
> analysis. Namely, using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for u and v wind
> components (for any hight, say, at 500 mb) for the period from 1948 to 2000
> I would like to:
>    - I would like to average all monthly averages for the u wind
>    component, for the above mentioned time period, and to draw it for the
>    Europe,
>    - I would like to average all monthly averages for the v wind
>    component, for the above mentioned time period, and to draw it for the
>    Europe.
> As You can see, I would like to see the average zonal and meridional wind
> components for the Europe in the [1948,2000] period.
> Please, could you give me instructions how to perform these analyses using
> GrADS, i.e. what commands should I use?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Djordje
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*Gibies George,   CSIR-RF,
Climate and Global Modelling Division,
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology,
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,
NCL (P. O.), Pashan,
Pune 411008, India.*


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