[gradsusr] Grads Bash scripting

Don Van Dyke Don.VanDyke at noaa.gov
Tue Aug 31 22:53:56 EDT 2010

Although, on second thought, that shouldn't even matter as long as 
you're consistent within your GrADS script calling it "Lat" and not "lat".


Don Van Dyke wrote:
> Hi Meredith,
> Yeah, that should work.  What error did you get?  The only thing I see 
> potentially wrong there is to check and make sure you have 
> lat=subwrd(data,3) and not Lat=subwrd(data,3) in your GrADS script.  :-)
> Don Van Dyke
> NWS Tallahassee, FL
> Meredith Croke wrote:
>> Thank you very much for your suggestion, this did work.  Now if I want
>> to pass multipe varibale(ie lat/lon, name) can I do it the same way
>> listing them before the export?  Ie:
>> echo ${yyyy} ${name} ${lat} | /export/grads/bin/gradsc -blc "run
>> gs.sf.surface.wind_mps"
>> yyyy=subwrd(data,1)
>> name=subwrd(data,2)
>> Lat=subwrd(data,3)
>> I am getting an error when I do it this way.
>> Thanks.
>> Meredith
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org
>> [mailto:gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org] On Behalf Of Don.VanDyke at noaa.gov
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 5:02 PM
>> To: GrADS Users Forum
>> Subject: Re: [gradsusr] Grads Bash scripting
>> Hi Meredith,
>> To go from bash to GrADS, try doing something like this.  In your bash
>> script, add a line like this....
>> echo ${yyyy} | /export/grads/bin/gradsc -blc "run
>> gs.sf.surface.wind_mps"
>> In your gs.sf.surface.wind_mps script, at the very top, add these
>> lines....
>> pull data
>> yyyy=subwrd(data,1)
>> Then you can reference the yyyy in the rest of the GrADS script like
>> this....
>> 'draw title Testing 'yyyy' year'
>> Hope this helps some.
>> Don Van Dyke
>> NWS Tallahassee, FL
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Meredith Croke <mcroke at airdat.com>
>> Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:39 pm
>> Subject: [gradsusr] Grads Bash scripting
>> To: gradsusr at gradsusr.org
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to write a bash script that will read values from a
>>> tc-vitals file and feed it into my grads script.   Can anyone give me
>>> tips on how to do this?  I'm not sure how to feed the varibales from
>>> bash into grads.   I have tried doing this in a bunch of different
>> ways
>>> and searched the users forum but I can't find any good examples.  
>>> Here's one example, trying to have the date read in grads:
>>> in bash:
>>> yyyy=$(date +%Y%m%d$hh)
>>> /export/grads/bin/gradsc -blc 'run gs.sf.surface.wind_mps'
>>> in grads
>>> date= yyyy
>>> (i've tried 'yyyy' and $yyyy)
>>> what else do I need to put in bash or in my grads script to 
>>> recognize that yyyy= 2010083112 ?
>>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>>> Meredith
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