[gradsusr] help needed for plotting NCEP GDAS data with GrADS

phd0802 at pieas.edu.pk phd0802 at pieas.edu.pk
Mon Aug 30 10:51:52 EDT 2010

Hi! Users,

I am new user of GrADS and intend to plot NCEP GDAS dataset having 2.5 by
2.5 degree spetial and 12 hr temporal resolution. I have a file with
extension of bin. GrADS open the file taking the information from the data
descriptor file but don't display the variables properly showing some
awkward data interval and error nan nan infinity interval appears on the
command window.  i am attaching the data descriptor file herewith for your
review. Can any one help me to fix this problem?

Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,
sabir sardar.
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