[gradsusr] Grads default colors

Sim Aberson Sim.Aberson at noaa.gov
Fri Apr 30 11:21:34 EDT 2010

I am trying to make a plot of closed contours of the magnitude of the vector 
difference between two deep-layer-mean wind fields, overlain with the direction 
of the vector difference.  I want to plot the direction only where the magnitude 
is larger than a certain criterion.  So far, I have:

'set csmooth on'
'set clevs  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9'
'set ccols  4  5  3 10  7 12  8  2  6'
'set gxout stream'
'set cmin 1'

The first display does the contours, the second displays the direction in the 
form of streamlines.

The problem is that the streamlines come out in a light gray color.  I have 
tried various forms of set clevs and set ccols to try to get the streamlines to 
be darker, preferably black, but nothing seems to change them.  Does anyone have 
any idea how I can make the second 'display' command above make the output darker?


Sim Aberson         AOML/Hurricane Research Division          Miami, FL
     "Hurricane states erect statues in my honor." -- David Sedaris

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