[gradsusr] Pass Data via the 'Return' Expression

Mark Sponsler msponsler at comcast.net
Wed Apr 21 15:42:09 EDT 2010

Hi Chales,
I took a look at the script you referenced and was similar to others I've seen where the main script and the subscripts are all encased in the same physical file.  What I'm trying to accomplish is to have a main script in one directory and a bunch of scripts of comomonly used routines in a separate directory. The idea is to have the main script call one of the common routines, then have the common routine pass some variable data back to the main script for additional processing.  

Below is a simple example with both scripts in the same directory. The problem is the value  _val1  never gets returned to the main script.  I'm using Grads 1.9 on WinXP.

Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome!

* Main script

rc = gsfallow("on")
val = 1
  say 'Val = 'val
  say 'Making Call to Test_Call'
'run test_call.gs 1'
  say 'Call Made - Checking for Answer'
  say 'New val = '_val1

Here's the called script
* Seconadry Script
function main (args)
if (args='')
  say 'No argument provided.  Argument must be a value 1-10'
  val = subwrd(args,1)
 say 'Val = 'val
_val1 = (val + 1)
 say 'New Val = '_val1
 say 'Passing Variable Back to Main Script'


----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Seman 
To: GrADS Users Forum 
Sent: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:21:12 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] Pass Data via the 'Return' Expression


Don't know if you have resolved this yet, but Bob Hart's "plotskew.gs" 
script has examples of what it appears that you want to do:

Hope this helps,

Mark Sponsler wrote:
> I have a script that calls a second script (and passes some arguments 
> to it). That works fine. I'm trying to get the second script to return 
> some data back to the first script, but am having difficulty.  I use 
> the 'return' command to have the second script return control back the 
> first script, but cannot seem to get any variable data to pass with 
> it. It seems this is possible per the Grads documentation:
> To return from a function, use the |return| command:
>     |return /expression/|
>     The |/expression/| is optional; if not provided, a NULL string
>     will be returned. (A null string is: '') The result of the
>     function is the result of the expression specified on the return
>     command.
> In the second script, the last line is:
> return val1
> Where val1 is a variable string
> Just can't seem to get the first script to read the contents of 
> val1. Could always write the data to a file, but am looking for 
> something a little more elegant.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Mark
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