[gradsusr] About forecast validity and geographical zone.

Diego Morelli diego.morelli at trs.it
Fri Apr 9 11:51:07 EDT 2010

I have seen that

*	in a grib file there can be more than one grib record and also that
each record can contain information about a validity of forecast time, or
about a geographical zone, different from the other record. These is also
highlighted using wgrib. 
*	The grib2ctl issue a descriptor file without information about
forecast validity (doesn't it?) 
*	The grib2ctl issue a descriptor file with geographical information
contained in only one record
*	GrADS can show only information descripted in the descriptor file:
It shows only the data correspondent to an internal zone of the geographical
area just setted in the descriptor file


My questions are:


*	The maps issued by GrADS, at what validity is referred (in the case
of more validity present in a grib file)?
*	In the case that I have a file with records referred to more than
one forecast validity, how can I extract the map correspondent to all
*	How can I extract information about all geographical zone contained
in the unique grib file?


These are the product I'm using:


grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p45

wgrib v1.8.0.12

GrADS Ver. 2.0.a7.1


In the attachment, there is an example of the two kind of files I spoke
above: file LFPW_70.b is referred to a unic forecast validity of 30 Hours,
and cover a geographical zone Lat(-90,90), Lon (-120,150).

The other file contains 2 validity: 12 Hours and 6 Hours






Diego Morelli

T.R.S. S.p.A.

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