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Wed Apr 14 09:33:43 EDT 2010

set annot

set annot color <thickness>

Sets color and line thickness.

Usage Note

Default is white, thickness 6. This command also sets the color and
thickness for the axis border, axis labels, and tickmarks. Axis tickmarks
and labels are plotted at the specified thcikness minus 1.

I believe set annot also affects draw title and that the thickness has some
effect on the axis label size, but I don't know of any way of directly
setting the size of these plot labels.

Mike Sestak
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
Monterey, CA

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT]On Behalf
> Of Mary Jo Nath
> Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:43 AM
> Subject: Re: how to change xlab strings size
> I don't think there is any direct control for the "draw xlab"
> (or "draw ylab" or "draw title") commands.
> You can get a slightly smaller font by using
> "draw xlab \string". The "\" indicates newline, and will
> cause Grads to draw the label with
> a slightly smaller font and a little farther from the axis.
> The other alternative which will give you complete control
> over the appearance of a
> label would be to use "draw string <x position> <y position>
> <string>" along with the
> "set string" and "set strsiz" commands.  This isn't as simple
> as "draw xlab", but it does
> give you control over size, thickness, and placement of the string.
> Mary Jo
> On Thursday 17 November 2005 10:00, chengs wrote:
> >>  Hi,
> >>
> >>  I added some strings to the x axis using "draw xlab
> strings".  Now I
> >>  want to change the strings size.
> >>
> >>  Does somebody know this?
> >>
> >>  Thanks
> >>
> >>  Best regard

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