How can I change the position of the contour labels?

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Tue Sep 22 08:21:12 EDT 2009

Try using 'set clskip' to increase the spacing between labels.  --

On Sep 22, 2009, at 4:28 AM, Kim WonMoo wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I would like to change the 'position' of the contour labels, for
> they block the region I am interested in.
> I know that 'clopts' can change the sizes of the labels, 'clskip'
> the spacing, and 'cint' the intervals,
> but they all block the very region I need. I think the position is a
> kind of reference position for labeling (It's on the center of the
> map).
> Are there any way to move the reference position, not changing the
> map domain (lon, lat range)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Kim, WonMoo

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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