Variable Grid possible?

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Thu Sep 10 07:58:53 EDT 2009

You can use the PDEF GENERAL (aka PDEF FILE) option to tell GrADS how
to map each grid point in your 1-D vector into a 2-D lat/lon grid.
Please see
The example at the bottom of the page does something very similar to
what you'd like to do.

On Sep 9, 2009, at 7:03 AM, Reto Stauffer wrote:

> Hy there
> I try to plot some Satellite-Data with Grads. It was "no problem" to
> produce a
> netCDF file wich i can import into GrADS and display the test-dataset.
> But now i have a question up to you. Normaly GrADS plots only onto a
> linear
> Grid. My netCDF-File only contains a one-line-vector with longitude
> and
> latitude boundries.
> Is there any possibility to import long/lat as a 2-D matrix wich
> discribes my
> own grid? I cannot found any good information about that.
> Test-Dataset, int [0;10] with own colormap:
> If anyone has an idea it wold be great to send me a request.
> Best regards
> Reto, Austria

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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