Undefined value plotted also if I don't want so

Daniele Gandini daniele.gandini at ARPA.PIEMONTE.IT
Tue Oct 27 11:19:11 EDT 2009

Hello GrADS Users.

I run GrADS 1.9b4 on Sun Blade-1000, Solaris 5.9.

In my ctl file I wrote:

dset ^ECMWF0250_2009102700_000-240.grb
index ^ECMWF0250_2009102700_000-240.gmp
undef -999.9

But when I display an undefined variable, GrADS instead of saying
"Entire grid undefined", issues:
Cannot plot color bar: No shading information
Constant field.  Value = -999.9

It is a problem when I plot a variable map on an area where there are both defined
and undefined values or when I plot a time series over a gridpoint.

When I work on station data instead of GRIB grid data all works fine.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.

Daniele Gandini

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