Manage lat-lon thinned grid

Diego Morelli diego.morelli at TRS.IT
Tue Oct 27 09:50:22 EDT 2009


1)       I need to read with grads also the grib files with lat-long
"thinned" grids, I just know, by documentation, that my version (1.8SL11)
isn't able to manage this kind of grib files. I put in the attachment an
example of this kind of files (LFPW..)

2)       I have some files that are managed by grads without error (version
1.8SL11), but the display command says: "Entire Grid Undefined". I put in
the attachment an example of this kind of files (YMID..)

My questions

How can I view, on a picture, information contained in files like those in
the attachment?

Is there any version of GrADS that manage them?

Is there some work-around that I can follow to satisfy my need?

If no, do you know any other software that I can be used?

We are willing to pay for any new SW developments or your advice. Can you
help us?

Best regards,



Diego Morelli

T.R.S. S.p.A.

Via della Bufalotta, 378 - 00139 Roma

Tel. 06.87281.301

Fax 06.87281.550

diego.morelli at

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