how to plot model's grid points in grads

Feudale Laura feudale at ICTP.IT
Mon Oct 26 06:21:31 EDT 2009

Hi, you can visualize your gridpoints by setting the following option
before displaying your model's variable "var":

'set gxout grfill'
'd var'

-- Laura

* Laura Feudale, Ph.D. (GMU/COLA)                              *
* Earth System Physics Section: Physics of Weather and Climate *
* The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics *
*                     Trieste, ITALY                           *

Marcelino II Villafuerte wrote:
> Hi , can somebody help me with this?
> I want to plot the grid points that my model has so that I can
> identify the nearest grid point over land to the stations I'll be
> using for validation.
> Your help are highly appreciated!
> thanks a lot!

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