Plotting T-Phi Diagram or Skew-T digram - Reg

Srinivas Desamsetti sreeds82 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Oct 23 14:53:51 EDT 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have the model predicted data and Observational dataset.
The observations are available in ASCII format.
With this information, I request you to please suggest me
to plot both observed vs model predicted
datasets on one Skew-T gram or T-Phi gram.
Is there any script available directly to use both these datasets and plot
to compare the observed vs model derived profiles.
Is there any other software available directly to plot these variables on a T-Phi or
Skew-T diagram.

Thanking you for your help

Desamsetti Srinivas

     Research Scholar

     Department of Meteorology and Oceanography

     Andhra University

     Visakhapatnam - 530 003

     91 9491686740 (M)

     sreeds82 at

     sreeds82 at

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