On tcorr and tregr functions

Hyacinth Cyprain Nnamchi hc.nnamchi at LASG.IAP.AC.CN
Thu Oct 22 05:31:27 EDT 2009

Dear colleagues,
I am trying to calculate the  correlation coefficients between a time series and global SST
using the tcorr function (http://www.iges.org/grads/gadoc/gradfunctcorr.html).But the function does not work.The tregr does not also work.

'open d:\analysis\EOF\eof_series1.ctl’"single time series:t=1,t=57; x=y=z= 1"
'open d:\analysis\DATA\winter_sst.ctl’"global: lon 0 360, lat -90 90; t=1,t=57,z=1"

'set y 1'
'set z 1'
'set t 1 57'
'set lon -180 180'
'set lat -90 10'
'set z 1'
'set t 1'
'set gxout contour'

'd tcorr(series.1,winter.2,t=1,t=57)'

If I define an index  using the SST data (as in the documentation, above) it works and give reliable result.

Any ideas on what I've been doing wrong?


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