Sdfwrite refuses to write!
Fri Oct 16 14:55:00 EDT 2009
Good afternoon.
I want to extract a single field from a WRF run executed on our local
computer and output it is netcdf format for another application that
will read netcdf and convert to an arcview (shp) format.
I am executing Grads 2.05 as follows:
wrf at Sigma:~/WRF_OUT/ARW/AV2KM/postprd$ grads2
Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.a5
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by Brian Doty and the
Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
See file COPYRIGHT for more information
Config: v2.0.a5 little-endian readline printim grib2 geotiff
Issue 'q config' command for more information.
Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):
GX Package Initialization: Size = 11 8.5
ga-> open WRF2KM.ctl
Scanning description file: WRF2KM.ctl
Data file wrfprs_d01.%f2 is open as file 1
LON set to -66.531 -63.3349
LAT set to 43.268 45.2316
LEV set to 1000 1000
Time values set: 2009:9:15:0 2009:9:15:0
E set to 1 1
Notice: Implied interpolation for file WRF2KM.ctl
Interpolation will be performed on any data displayed from this file
I want to output the 2 metre temperature for t = 1 for the entire grid
The control file is as follows:
options template
dset ^WRFPRS_d01.%f2
undef 9.999E+20
title wrfprs_d02 - Test of 2KM over Annapolis Valley
* produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p41
dtype grib 255
pdef 139 64 lcc 44.225000 -66.285000 1 1 44.800000 44.800000 -64.850000
2000 2000
xdef 139 linear -66.285000 0.0253721144699462
ydef 64 linear 44.225000 0.0181818181818182
tdef 4 linear 00Z05sep2009 1hr
* z has 25 levels, for prs
zdef 25 levels
1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400
350 300 250 200 150 100 50
vars 81
z 25 7,100 Geopotential Height(gpm)
u 25 33,100 U Winds (m/s)
v 25 34,100 V Winds (m/s)
t 25 11,100 Temperature (K)
vv 25 39,100 Pressure Vertical Velocity (Pa/s)
rh 25 52,100 Relative Humidity (%)
slp 0 2,102,0 Sea Level Pressure (Pa)
slpe 0 130,102,0 Sea Level Pressure, ETA reduction (Pa)
sfcp 0 1,1,0 Pressure at model sfc (Pa)
sli 0 131,101,12900 Surface Lifted Index (K)
ps 0 1,1,0 Surface Pressure (Pa)
zs 0 7,1,0 Geopotential Height of Surface (gpm)
tpn 0 61,1,0 Total Precipitation (kg/m^2)
pc 0 63,1,0 Convective Precipitation (kg/m^2)
vis 0 20,1,0 Horizontal Visibility (m)
cape 0 157,116,46080 Convective Available Potential Energy (J/kg) 180-0
mb above ground
cin 0 156,116,46080 Convective Inhibition (J/kg) 180-0 mb above ground
lftid4 0 132,116,46080 Best 4-Layer Lifted Index (K)
ts 0 11,1,0 Surface Temperature (K)
t2 0 11,105,2 2 Meter Temperature (K)
rh2 0 52,105,2 2 Metre Relative Humidity (%)
u10 0 33,105,10 10 Meter U Wind (m/s)
v10 0 34,105,10 10 Meter V Wind (m/s)
u30 0 33,116,7680 30-0 mb AG U Wind (m/s)
v30 0 34,116,7680 30-0 mb AG V Wind (m/s)
t30 0 11,116,7680 30-0 mb AG Temperature (K)
u60 0 33,116,15390 60-30 mb AG U Wind (m/s)
v60 0 34,116,15390 60-30 mb AG V Wind (m/s)
t60 0 11,116,15390 60-30 mb AG Temperature (K)
sltmp 0 85,112,10 Soil Temperature 0-10cm down (K)
tcc 0 71,200,0 Total cloud in the atmos column(%)
sfcr 0 83,1,0 Surface Roughness(model) (m)
mask 0 81,1,0 Land-Sea Mask (1=land; 0=sea)
dpt 19 17,100 Dew Point Temperature (K)
q 19 51,100 Specific Humidity (kg/kg)
vort 19 41,100 Absolute Vorticity (/s)
pls 0 62,1,0 Large-Scale Precipitation (kg/m^2)
u1829 0 33,103,1829 U Winds at 1829 Meters AMSL (m/s)
u2743 0 33,103,2743 U Winds at 2743 Meters AMSL (m/s)
u3658 0 33,103,3658 U Winds at 3658 Meters AMSL (m/s)
u6030 0 33,116,15390 U Winds at 60-30 mb AMSL (m/s)
us982 0 33,107,9823 U Winds at sigma .9823 AMSL (m/s)
u03 0 33,116,7680 U Winds at 0-30 mb abv gnd (m/s)
v1829 0 34,103,1829 V Winds at 1829 Meters AMSL (m/s)
v2743 0 34,103,2743 V Winds at 2743 Meters AMSL (m/s)
v3658 0 34,103,3658 V Winds at 3658 Meters AMSL (m/s)
v6030 0 34,116,15390 V Winds at 60-30 mb AMSL (m/s)
vs982 0 34,107,9823 V Winds at sigma .9823 AMSL (m/s)
v03 0 34,116,7680 V Winds at 0-30 mb abv gnd (m/s)
ttrop 0 11,7,0 Temperature at Tropopause
ptrop 0 1,7,0 Pressure at Tropopause
utrop 0 33,7,0 U Winds at Tropopause (m/s)
vtrop 0 34,7,0 V Winds at Tropopause (m/s)
strop 0 136,7,0 Vertical Speed Shear at Tropopause
uls 0 33,107,0 U Winds at Lowest Level (m/s)
vls 0 34,107,0 V Winds at Lowest Level (m/s)
dpt03 0 17,116,7680 Dew Point Temperature at 0 - 30 mb abv gnd (K)
shm03 0 51,116,7680 Specific Humidity at 0- 30 mb abv gnd (Kg/Kg)
hmd03 0 135,116,7680 Horiz Moisture Divergence at 0 - 30 mb abv gnd
vvl03 0 39,116,7680 Vertical Velocity at 0-30 mb abv gnd (Pa/s)
ncc 0 213,200,0 Non-convective Cloud Cover in Atmospheric Column (%)
cvc 0 72,200,0 Convective Cloud Cover in Atmospheric Column (%)
hcdc 0 75,234,0 High Level Cloud Cover (%)
mcdc 0 74,224,0 Mid Level Cloud Cover (%)
lcdc 0 73,214,0 Low Level Cloud Cover (%)
cthgt 0 7,3,0 Height of Cloud Top - (gpm)
cbhgt 0 7,2,0 Height of Cloud BAse - (gpm)
csn 0 143,1,0 Categorial Snow (1 = yes, 0 = no)
cip 0 142,1,0 Categorial Ice Pellets (1 = yes, 0 = no)
cfzr 0 141,1,0 Categorial Freezing Rain (1 = yes, 0 = no)
crn 0 140,1,0 Categorial Rain (1 = yes, 0 = no)
pw 0 54,200,0 Precipitable water in the atmos Column (Kg/m^2)
sltp4 0 85,112,2600 Soil Temperature 10-40 cm down
dswfx 0 204,1,0 Downward Short Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
dlwfx 0 205,1,0 Downward Long Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
uswfx 0 211,1,0 Upward Short Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
ulwfx 0 212,1,0 Upward Long Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
accsn 0 65,1,0 Accumulated Snow cover (Kg/m^2)
soilw 0 144,112,10 Volumetric Soil Moisture (fraction)
evapt 0 57,1,0 Evaporation [kg/m^2] at sfc
pevap 0 228,1,0 Pot. evaporation [kg/m^2] at sfc
One can see that t2 = air temperature at two metres above ground (K)
Here is the execution:
ga-> set sdfwrite -4d
SDFWrite file name =
SDFWrite will replace an existing file
SDFwrite file will have at least 4 dimensions
ga-> q sdfwrite
SDFwrite file name is:
SDFwrite format is NetCDF
SDFwrite file will have at least 4 dimensions
ga-> define at = t2 -273.14
Notice: Automatic Grid Interpolation Taking Place
Define memory allocation size = 112488 bytes
ga-> sdfwrite at
There is no error message but the file is not located in any
directory on the computer. This is Linux and the execution of find
-name "" indicates that no file by that name is located
on the system.
We have done this several times using different output names but can
never find the named file. To show at is defined, I have generated the
attached png file using the "d at " command - so the variable at exists.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.
Mac MacLeod
M.A. (Mac) MacLeod
President and General Manager
Scotia Weather Services Inc
192 Wyse Road, Suite 8,
Dartmouth, N.S. B3A 1M9
Tele: 902-468-3866
Fax: 902-461-1768
E-mail: mmacleod at
Visit us:
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