How to make a script file

Ivan Toman ivtoman at INET.HR
Mon Oct 5 15:44:16 EDT 2009


you need to write plain text file with software like notepad. In that
file, you put the same commands that you put in grads command prompt,
just they need to be between these characters: ' '

For example, if you wish to plot temperature from command prompt, you
will give this command:
d tmp2m

In grads script, that should read:
'd tmp2m'

That's almost all, but there are some differences between command line
and scipting commands, and also, of course, in scripts you can do lot
more things like creating loops and using lot more tools (for example
defining custom functions), that you cannot do on command line.

Hope this helps. Also, please, read user manual here:

And check some sample scripts to see how they work, for example:

Bye, Ivan

Wansang Ryu wrote:
> Dear Users,
> I am a new to Grads.
> I want to make a script file to save variables to a ASCII (*.txt) file.
> Do I write a script in Grads directly or in a software like notepad.
> And how I start to write it?
> I think I'm really lost.
> Please, teach me from the first step.
> Somebody help me!
> Wansang
> --
> College Station, TX 77843-3147
> Office: 305A CSA (Teague) Bldg
> (979) 845-2719

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