R: Meaning of descriptor file (*.ctl) variable names
Diego Morelli
diego.morelli at TRS.IT
Fri Nov 13 05:44:34 EST 2009
Hello Wesley,
Can I say that the rule is:
If, about a certain variable relative to an isobaric level, it's available
only one level, then the variable get the suffix <level>+<mb>, otherwise it
get the suffix "prs" ??
In the attachment there is a file in which there is 2 variables available on
2 levels, and they are declared of the kind "prs". Here bottom is its ctl
dset /home/cyprus/grads/compiled_env/grads-2.0.a7.1/bin/cyprus.b
index /home/cyprus/grads/compiled_env/grads-2.0.a7.1/bin/cyprus.b.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title /home/cyprus/grads/compiled_env/grads-2.0.a7.1/bin/cyprus.b
* produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p45
dtype grib 11
options yrev
ydef 37 linear -90.000000 2.5
xdef 37 linear 90.000000 2.500000
tdef 1 linear 00Z28apr2005 1mo
* z has 2 levels, for prs
zdef 2 levels
850 500
vars 4
HGT500mb 0 7,100,500 ** 500 mb Geopotential height [gpm]
PRMSLsfc 0 2,1,0 ** surface Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
UGRDprs 2 33,100,0 ** (profile) u wind [m/s]
VGRDprs 2 34,100,0 ** (profile) v wind [m/s]
-----Messaggio originale-----
Wesley Ebisuzaki
Inviato: giovedì 12 novembre 2009 16.02
Oggetto: Re: Meaning of descriptor file (*.ctl) variable names
Sometimes a variable may be available as a vertical profile. Sometimes a
variable may only be available on
one or two levels. When a variable is available as a vertical profile on
pressure surfaces, the suffix "prs" is
used. If the variable is not available on a vertical profile, the suffix
is the level descriptor.
Wesley Ebisuzaki
Diego Morelli wrote:
> When I use grib2ctl (v0.9.12.5p45) it issues a ctl file with some
> variables having the suffix mb. These variables are relative to an
> isobaric level type (value 100 in the PDS grib section, octet number
> 10), with a value expressed in hPa.
> I see that the variables with suffix prs are relative also to an
> isobaric level type.
> My questions is to know what is the difference between the variable
> with suffix mb and those with suffix prs.
> Here there is an example of a descriptor file:
> dset ^LFPW00190127.20090718144212_P4320PT76BE_BPMG12.86093.b
> index ^LFPW00190127.20090718144212_P4320PT76BE_BPMG12.86093.b.idx
> undef 9.999E+20
> title LFPW00190127.20090718144212_P4320PT76BE_BPMG12.86093.b
> * produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p45
> dtype grib 255
> options yrev
> ydef 66 linear 10.000000 1
> xdef 126 linear -60.000000 1.000000
> tdef 1 linear 12Z18jul2009 1mo
> * z has 6 levels, for prs
> zdef 6 levels
> 925 850 700 500 400 300
> vars 2
> * GPprs * 6 6,*100*,0 ** (profile) Geopotential [m^2/s^2]
> * VGRD925mb * 0 34,*100*,925 ** 925 mb v wind [m/s]
> Regards,
> Diego
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