Another free shapefile for world maps
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 12 14:56:12 EST 2009
What is your recommendation? Should we reproject that free dataset for
general grads use? Are you setup for producing such a re-projected shapefile
with the corresponding .prj metadata?
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Huddleston, John <
Huddleston at> wrote:
> Arlindo, here is a list of projections for Antartica:
> $ ls Coordinate\ Systems/Geographic\ Coordinate\ Systems/Antarctica/
> Australian Antarctic 1998.prj Deception Island.prj Pointe Geologie
> Perroud 1950.prj
> Camp Area Astro.prj Petrels 1972.prj
> The NAD27 is North America Datum of 1927 and is, in general, not a good
> choice for projections of the world. The original maps that USGS created for
> the United States were based on NAD27 and the CLARK1866 sphere and they have
> been re-projected by USGS to NAD83 and the GRS80 sphere.
> Projections for the world would fall into one of two categories: Geographic
> and Projected.
> $ ls Coordinate\ Systems/Geographic\ Coordinate\ Systems/World/
> ITRF 1988.prj ITRF 1991.prj ITRF 1994.prj ITRF 2000.prj WGS
> 1966.prj
> ITRF 1989.prj ITRF 1992.prj ITRF 1996.prj ITRF 2005.prj WGS 1972
> TBE.prj
> ITRF 1990.prj ITRF 1993.prj ITRF 1997.prj NSWC 9Z-2.prj WGS 1972.prj
> and WGS 1984.prj
> and
> $ ls Coordinate\ Systems/Projected\ Coordinate\ Systems/world
> Aitoff (world).prj Flat Polar Quartic (world).prj
> Sinusoidal (world).prj
> Behrmann (world).prj Fuller (world).prj
> Sphere-based
> Bonne (world).prj Gall Stereographic (world).prj The
> World from Space.prj
> Craster Parabolic (world).prj Goode Homolosine (Land).prj Times
> (world).prj
> Cube (world).prj Goode Homolosine (Ocean).prj Van
> der Grinten I (world).prj
> Cylindrical Equal Area (world).prj Hammer-Aitoff (world).prj
> Vertical Perspective (world).prj
> Eckert I (world).prj Loximuthal (world).prj WGS
> 1984 PDC Mercator.prj
> Eckert II (world).prj Mercator (world).prj WGS
> 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere).prj
> Eckert III (world).prj Miller Cylindrical (world).prj WGS
> 1984 Web Mercator.prj
> Eckert IV (world).prj Mollweide (world).prj Winkel
> I (world).prj
> Eckert V (world).prj Plate Carree (world).prj Winkel
> II (world).prj
> Eckert VI (world).prj Polyconic (world).prj Winkel
> Tripel (NGS - world).prj
> Equidistant Conic (world).prj Quartic Authalic (world).prj
> Equidistant Cylindrical (world).prj Robinson (world).prj
> John
> John Huddleston, PhD
> Research Associate
> Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
> Mail Stop 1375 @ CIRA
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins, CO 80521
> 970-491-8602
> *From:* arlindo.dasilva at [mailto:arlindo.dasilva at] *On
> Behalf Of *Arlindo da Silva
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:36 AM
> *To:* Huddleston, John
> *Cc:* gradsusr
> *Subject:* Re: Another free shapefile for world maps
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Huddleston, John <
> Huddleston at> wrote:
> Arlindo,
> Please excuse this direct email to you, the GrADS email list does not allow
> me to reply or send anything to the list.
> I downloaded the world.tar.bz2 file and it does not contain a PRJ file.
> While the three DBF, SHP, and SHX files conform exactly to the ESRI 1994
> shapefile standard; the accuracy and precision of our software has increased
> significantly since the standard was propagated.
> As such, it is important to know the projection of the world maps.
> You may need to contact the data producers directly about this, it should
> be a simple matter to add a standard .prj file. However, on the website it
> says:
> The data is based upon a free map published by TerraSpace, Russia<> as
> referenced by Geocommunity<>.
> I added Antarctica after Curt Mills pointed out that there was a missing
> continent. Antartica's data came from the Digital Chart of the World and was
> reprojected into NAD27 to agree with the rest of the world.
> I am not sure what NAD27 is, but I was assuming it was a standard
> projection. Let me know if you find anything.
> Arlindo
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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