Another free shapefile for world maps
Huddleston, John
Thu Nov 12 10:52:45 EST 2009
Arlindo, here is a list of projections for Antartica:
$ ls Coordinate\ Systems/Geographic\ Coordinate\ Systems/Antarctica/
Australian Antarctic 1998.prj Deception Island.prj Pointe Geologie Perroud 1950.prj
Camp Area Astro.prj Petrels 1972.prj
The NAD27 is North America Datum of 1927 and is, in general, not a good choice for projections of the world. The original maps that USGS created for the United States were based on NAD27 and the CLARK1866 sphere and they have been re-projected by USGS to NAD83 and the GRS80 sphere.
Projections for the world would fall into one of two categories: Geographic and Projected.
$ ls Coordinate\ Systems/Geographic\ Coordinate\ Systems/World/
ITRF 1988.prj ITRF 1991.prj ITRF 1994.prj ITRF 2000.prj WGS 1966.prj
ITRF 1989.prj ITRF 1992.prj ITRF 1996.prj ITRF 2005.prj WGS 1972 TBE.prj
ITRF 1990.prj ITRF 1993.prj ITRF 1997.prj NSWC 9Z-2.prj WGS 1972.prj and WGS 1984.prj
$ ls Coordinate\ Systems/Projected\ Coordinate\ Systems/world
Aitoff (world).prj Flat Polar Quartic (world).prj Sinusoidal (world).prj
Behrmann (world).prj Fuller (world).prj Sphere-based
Bonne (world).prj Gall Stereographic (world).prj The World from Space.prj
Craster Parabolic (world).prj Goode Homolosine (Land).prj Times (world).prj
Cube (world).prj Goode Homolosine (Ocean).prj Van der Grinten I (world).prj
Cylindrical Equal Area (world).prj Hammer-Aitoff (world).prj Vertical Perspective (world).prj
Eckert I (world).prj Loximuthal (world).prj WGS 1984 PDC Mercator.prj
Eckert II (world).prj Mercator (world).prj WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere).prj
Eckert III (world).prj Miller Cylindrical (world).prj WGS 1984 Web Mercator.prj
Eckert IV (world).prj Mollweide (world).prj Winkel I (world).prj
Eckert V (world).prj Plate Carree (world).prj Winkel II (world).prj
Eckert VI (world).prj Polyconic (world).prj Winkel Tripel (NGS - world).prj
Equidistant Conic (world).prj Quartic Authalic (world).prj
Equidistant Cylindrical (world).prj Robinson (world).prj
John Huddleston, PhD
Research Associate
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Mail Stop 1375 @ CIRA
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80521
From: arlindo.dasilva at [mailto:arlindo.dasilva at] On Behalf Of Arlindo da Silva
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:36 AM
To: Huddleston, John
Cc: gradsusr
Subject: Re: Another free shapefile for world maps
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Huddleston, John <Huddleston at<mailto:Huddleston at>> wrote:
Please excuse this direct email to you, the GrADS email list does not allow me to reply or send anything to the list.
I downloaded the world.tar.bz2 file and it does not contain a PRJ file. While the three DBF, SHP, and SHX files conform exactly to the ESRI 1994 shapefile standard; the accuracy and precision of our software has increased significantly since the standard was propagated.
As such, it is important to know the projection of the world maps.
You may need to contact the data producers directly about this, it should be a simple matter to add a standard .prj file. However, on the website it says:
The data is based upon a free map published by TerraSpace, Russia<> as referenced by Geocommunity<>. I added Antarctica after Curt Mills pointed out that there was a missing continent. Antartica's data came from the Digital Chart of the World and was reprojected into NAD27 to agree with the rest of the world.
I am not sure what NAD27 is, but I was assuming it was a standard projection. Let me know if you find anything.
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at<mailto:dasilva at>
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