Meaning of descriptor file (*.ctl) variable names

Diego Morelli diego.morelli at TRS.IT
Thu Nov 12 06:26:47 EST 2009

When I use grib2ctl (v0.9.12.5p45) it issues a ctl file with some variables
having the suffix "mb". These variables are relative to an isobaric level
type (value 100 in the PDS grib section, octet number 10), with a value
expressed in hPa.

I see that the variables with suffix prs are relative also to an isobaric
level type.

My questions is to know what is the difference between the variable with
suffix mb and those with suffix prs.

Here there is an example of a descriptor file:


dset ^LFPW00190127.20090718144212_P4320PT76BE_BPMG12.86093.b

index ^LFPW00190127.20090718144212_P4320PT76BE_BPMG12.86093.b.idx

undef 9.999E+20

title LFPW00190127.20090718144212_P4320PT76BE_BPMG12.86093.b

*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p45

dtype grib 255

options yrev

ydef 66 linear 10.000000 1

xdef 126 linear -60.000000 1.000000

tdef 1 linear 12Z18jul2009 1mo

*  z has 6 levels, for prs

zdef 6 levels

925 850 700 500 400 300

vars 2

GPprs 6 6,100,0 ** (profile) Geopotential [m^2/s^2]

VGRD925mb  0 34,100,925 ** 925 mb v wind [m/s]





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